There are several ways that you can earn the HIGHEST PASSIVE INCOME anywhere.
The first is as an Agent. AGENTS have clients in another industry and simply let them know about Diamond Wealth Formula. See the commission schedule chart below where your “client” purchases from Min column and you receive a Comm (commission) from corresponding column (pink).
*The Comm is exchangeable for fine jewelry which grows in value over time, the Cash Out $ is if you prefer to receive a check. % Off Buy is your jewelry discount!
The second way is going door to door as a REP, basically talking with neighbors (canvassing), distributing our flyers to the appropriate places to reach members (see below). Click below for a flyer you can print…
If you are not pitching to the GOLF segment…
The 3rd way is as an INFLUENCER. Post ads, create content, videos, anyway you like to promote our brand!